Downloads (CAD/CAM related)    

Company specific material

Company presentation, CAM-departement (PowerPoint, 7,6MB, Eng.) PowerPoint presentation of the CAM-departement

UG related material

CAM-Templates (PDF, 396kB, Eng.) Lecture from the the UG-Usermeeting in Portoroz/Slowenia 2001
CAM-Master Model Concept (PDF, 698kB, Eng.) Lecture from the the UG-Usermeeting in Portoroz/Slowenia 2001
Special characters with UG-fonts (PDF, 313kB, Eng.) Ever wonderd how to put special characters on a drawing?

Common 3D-Design related material

Threaded bosses for castings (PDF, 41kB, Eng.) Recomended boss-sizes for threads in castings for var. materials.

Other usefull stuff:
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Torbjörn Johansson