ECDL - European Computer Driving License

What is the ECDL?

The ECDL (European Computer Driving License) is the world's leading end-user computer skills certification programme. Outside of Europe, the ECDL is known as the ICDL (International Computer Driving Licence).

The most important technical terms, the operating system, an office package and the Internet belongs to scope of the ECDL/ICDL.

These 7 modules are the parts of the ECDL/ICDL:

  • Module 1: Concepts of Information Technology (IT)
  • Module 2: Using the Computer and Managing Files
  • Module 3: Word Processing
  • Module 4: Spreadsheets
  • Module 5: Database
  • Module 6: Presentation
  • Module 7: Information and Communication

Every module ends with a skills test, and when you successfully have completed all 7 modules you'll receive the ECDL/ICDL certificate. The order of completing the tests doesn't matter; the only condition is that you must complete all 7 tests successfully within 3 years.

For extra motivation, you may instruct for a special certificate after 4 successfully completed tests, the so-called ECDL/ICDL Start.

The ECDL/ICDL has been designed to be entirely vendor-independent. This gives you the flexibility and freedom to acquire these core skills and confidently apply them in any software environment you may be required to use.


Well then, how do I achieve my ECDL with INTREX™?

You contact us (the easiest way is by using the form below), to receive an offer and a courseplan especially for you.

After the course and successful preparation you will attend the test at a authorized testcenter. After you have successfully completed all 7 test, your ECDL-certificat will be issued.

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